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Our Newsletters 1989 - 1992

Issue #40 January 1989
Chairman's Chatter
Meeting Dates for 1988 [sic]
PRO Free Bus Service - City to Laverton
Committee members 1989
Extract from the 'Family Tree Detective'
The Vague Family Reunion Ian McGown
Issue #41 March 1989
Chairman's chatter G.Sephton
Meeting Program 1989
Executive Committee Members 1989
Genealogical resources on microfiche
Index to newsletters 24 - 39 Exc 38
It's all relative
Issue #42 May 1989
Chairman's chatter G.Sephton
Meeting program 1989
August meeting
P.R.O. Service J.McNally
P.R.O. Bus Service J.McNally
Church Baptisms J.McNally
GSV Membership Subscriptions
Genealogical Society of Tasmania S.Connaghan
The Cocker connection
New additions to the Library
Index to stray B.D.&M. certificates Dawn Cowley
Information sought Wilson/Withers
Tracing Your Family History Old Church-Bena
Issue #43 July 1989
Chairman's chatter G.Sephton
Meeting program 1989
Voyage of H.M.S. Hercules 1852/53 David McInnes
Country Groups meeting report
Genealogical Resources on Microfiche
Information sought Margaret Sanderson
McDonnell Heritage Services Florence Butcher
Reunion of former Jumbuk residents Mr F.Robinson
Issue #44 September 1989
Chairman's chatter G.Sephton
Meeting program 1989
Days of Their Lives Lyn Sephton
Voyage of the "Gypsy Bride" Lyn Sephton
The "Halls" of Maffra Lyn Sephton
Family History Seminar Frank Robinson/Greg Sephton
Extracts from "Tasmanian Ancestry" Vol.10 No.1 June 1989 Shirley Connaghan
List of wants on Norfolk Island - 5th October 1975 Philip Gidley King
Specialist Indexes in Australia - Judy Webster
Issue #45 November 1989
Chairman's chatter G.Sephton
Meeting program 1989/1990
Book review - "The Chaplain's Charity" Greg Sephton
Unsung Heroes of the Outback Gwen Curnick
Seaman or Marine Ancestors Gwen Curnick
John Ansell - Photography Hotham Street Traralgon
Issue #46 February 1990
Annual General Meeting - Nov 1989
Committee Members 1990
Society Program 1990
Hazelwood Cemetery Pausing Amongst the Commas,, John Kyd
John Ansell - Photography Hotham Street Traralgon
Issue #47 April 1990
Chairman's chatter G.Sephton
Revised B,D,M fees Registry of B,D,M.
Index to Extra B.D.M. Certificates No. 31 Dawn Cowley
English Certificates
New Acquisition: English/Irish stamps Florence Butcher
McDonnell Heritage Services Florence Butcher
Snippets: Early Convict Warrant Poser Jean McNally/ Bert Rice
Towns Die Quietly
Issue #48 June 1990
Reminder - AGM 26/7/1990
Port Arthur Lists Convicts Sun/Shirley Connaghan
Morwell's the Scene of Quiet Revolution in Land Info. LV Express/L.Ramselaar
Ashes of the Dead to be Lost Sun/Shirley Connaghan
"Characters of Wills"/Richard Davies Dawn Cowley
Deniliquin Historical Society Peter Mills
Scottish Ancestry Group Karen Healy
Issue #49 August 1990
Chairman's Report 1990 Greg Sephton
Office Bearers 1990/1991
Membership fee 1990/1991
Taut Titan terrific Kevin Murphy/Greg Searle
Yarram Genealogical Group Esme Rash
"Buried By The Sea" Andrew Lemon/Marjorie Morgan
Issue #50 October 1990
Christmas B.B.Q.
B D M Certificates Sun 28/9/1990
Land Titles Office/Information Centre Express 23/8/1990
"From Shamrock to Wattle" Trevor McClaughlin
The 6th Australian Congress on Genealogy & Heraldry
Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies "The Genealogist" Vol. VI No.7 September 1990
GSV - Special Interest Group - Heraldry J.P. Morton
"The Hell That Was The Hulk Ships" Herald - Sat. Sept. 30 1978 Page 4
Those on "Success" List of Prisoners on board Success at Melbourne March 31 1858
Those on "President" List of Prisoners on board President at Melbourne March 31 1858
Issue #51 December 1990
Lifestyles - Genealogists Enjoy Addiction Donna Spencer Lloydminster Meridian
The Genealogist's Disease Lee Ozimy Lloydminster Meridian
Burials at The Walhalla Cemetery Yolanda Reynolds
Did You Know? Irish Design Shop - Melbourne
Issue #52 February 1991
State Library of Victoria Frances Brown
The City's Wicked Past The Age - Norman Abjorensen
In & Around Repositories in Great Britain & Ireland Rosemary Church/Jean Cole
Australian Register of Those K.I.A. or P.O.W. who died overseas James McClelland
Registrar of Births Deaths & Marriages for Tasmania New Address
South Australia Genealogy New Address
B.D.M. for Queensland Fee Increase
Information Victoria - Map Shop Address
Family History - Public Record Office Search Room Address/Times
Australian Book Vouchers
Issue #53 April 1991
1991 Program
State Library of Victoria Hours
"Now It's Relatively Easy" Sun December 1990/Shirley Connaghan
Letters of Reply to State Conference Resolutions 1990 CWA Mgazine/Shirley Connaghan
New Member's Interest Mavis Lucas
In Memorium Florence Butcher
Isle of The Dead - Tasmania Burial Ground for Port Arthur
Food for Thought Florence Butcher
Issue #54 June 1991
Change of Group's Name and Venue
Day Trip To GSV - Library Dawn Cowley
An Interesting Meeting Held At The Local Funeral Directors John Leckey
Tasmanian Certificates Tas Ancestry/Shirley Connaghan
Inscription found in St.Margaret's Cemetery Westminster Middlesex London/Jean McNally
Geelong Family History Group Publications for Sale
2nd Irish Origins - An Australian Perspective Conference
Issue #55 August 1991
Move to New Premises
O What a Tangled Web We Weave ... Don Macreadie
Cemetery Records Australian National Bibliography
Focus on Moe Various
Cemetery Monuments The Australian Standard August 1991
Help Please Marion Harrop/Betty Siede
History In My hands C.A. Flint
Care & protection of Photographs in Albums
North Gippsland & Jordan Goldfields Area Gay Rogers
Index No.6 to Extra B.D.&M. Certificates Dawn Cowley
Program for Remainder of 1991
Issue #56 October 1991
Advice to Young English Women Considering Emigration to Australia Mrs Charles Clacx-A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia 1852-53
Member Profile Don Macreadie
Cemetery Records Australian national Bibliography
Beware!! Beware!! Beware!! The World Book of the ...Family
Record it like it was for your family Judy Rudski
Obtaining a Birth Death or Marriage Cert from England People Count - Cornwall Family History Society Journal No.61 Sept 1991
We Remember Mary Rumpff - A Grand Old Lady
Do You Recognize This man? Dawn Cowley
Research Queries - O'Beirne Jones Emmett Hempel Marion Button/Heather Davies/ Wilma Emmett/Mrs R.F.Bradshaw
Matlock J.G.(Gay) Rogers
Issue #57 December 1991
Office Bearers 1991-1992
Member Profile Gay Rogers
The Greatest Co-Incidence of all Time?? Rosemary Wigg
Tasmanian Research - Headstone Inscriptions & Memorials Shirley Connaghan
London Bound Rosemary Wigg
Tasmanian Research - Indexes to B,D,M's Shirley Connaghan
Scotland General Register Office
Let's Visit a London Record Office (Newspaper Library - Colindale) Rosemary Wigg
Marriage & Ignorance Gippsland Guardian Jan 1859
You can Now Search Your family History on CD-ROM
Your Irish Ancestry The Australian Magazine
Household Words Charles Dickens
Research Queries Jean McNally
Family Saga Australasian Post 1983
Jericho On The Jordan Gay Rogers
Issue #58 February 1991
Office Bearers 1991-1992
Member Profile David McInnes
L.D.S. Microfiche
Let's Visit a London Record Office (St. Catherine's House) Rosemary Wigg
Index 7 to Extra Birth Death & Marriage Certificates Dawn Cowley
Guest Speakers Feb - Mr George Pawley-White March - Donella Jaggs
What's In a Name? Parish Registers - Great Ryburg Norfolk England
Household Words Charles Dickens
Research Queries - McKeown McCormack Williams Jean McNally
Knott's Siding - Names from Pupils' Register
Rules for Teachers 1872
The Ship's Diet A Good Plain Cook - Susan Addison & Judith McKay
February Competition Mrs E.Jackson
The B.B.Creek Township Gay Rogers
Norwich Archdeaconry Marriage Licence Bonds Dawn Cowley
Issue #59 April 1991
Office Bearers 1991-1992
Member Profile Jean Mc Nally
Just a Few Lines (Emma King/Mary Goodwin) Leonie Robinson
Let's Visit a London Record Office (P.R.O. Chancery Lane) Rosemary Wigg
A Little Bit of Good Luck Shirley Connaghan
L.D.S. Microfiche
Household Words Charles Dickens
What Burial?? (James Scott/ Emma Amelia Crossman) Gay Rogers
New Publications - Forty Leven Youngsters (E.N. Cameron) The Devon Run (E.J. Wood) Dating Family Photos (L.Frost)
Research Queries - Mason Smart Blackburn Tony Satchwell Marjorie Mannes J.M. Blackburn
Letter by William Henry Goodwin (Walhalla) Leonie Robinson
More Names from Knott's Siding Pupil's Register
Red Jacket Gay Rogers
Victorian Pioneers Index on CD-ROM RMIT Libraries
Issue #60 June 1991
Office Bearers 1991-1992
Member Profile Mavis Lynch
Another Little Bit of Luck Shirley Connaghan
Let's Visit a London Record Office (P.R.O. Kew) Rosemary Wigg
AJCP-Australia Joint Copying Project Diana Giese
More Names from Knott's Siding Pupil's Register
The Death Certificate of Ah Chi Registered at White Hills Bendigo
Household Words Charles Dickens
Book News - Tracing Your Ancestors in the P.R.O. A.Bevan/A.Duncan - Tracing Your Scottish Ancestors Cecil Sinclair
Can You Help? - Flynn M.Bates
William Griffiths W.P.Latham
Ah One Police Gazette 19 Nov 1863 p.403
Blue Jacket Gay Rogers
PAF - The Personal Ancestry File
Issue #61 August 1992
Member Profile: Barbara White
A Little Help – “Hundred”; “Cantref”; “Danelaw” – notes transcribed by Florence Butcher from The Illustrated Dictionary of British History – General Editor: Arthur Marwick
Mining Elders’ Memories
We’ve Moved!
Willow Grove Cemetery – Publication of Willow Grove Cemetery transcriptions
Household Words. A Weekly Journal conducted by Charles Dickens Issue #37; Saturday, November 30, 1850
1. Annual General Meeting. 2. 1884/85 Tanjil description
A Lonely Grave. Charlton John Kinchant
Jordan Goldfield by Gay Rogers
Mrs PRICE died 1797. The Gentleman’s Magazine, March 1791
Issue #62 October 1992
Thorpdale mixed goods train, 1940 (Photo, Wal Larsen; Courtesy of Australian Railway Historical Society, Victorian Division)
Member Profile: Dawn Cowley
Seminar Report compiled by Gay Rogers
Let’s visit a London Record Office with Rosemary Wigg (Society of Genealogists (S.O.G.)
Feeling poorly? – Family Tree Magazine, July 1992
Our Logo - On Track
Household Words. A Weekly Journal conducted by Charles Dickens. Issue #37; Saturday, November 30, 1850
Cemeteries in the Mid Gippsland Region, and Records Transcribed by the Mid Gippsland F.H.S. Inc.
Book News
Issue #63 December 1992
Photo: Packer Frank Young with his packhorse
Member Profile – Karen Elizabeth Healy (nee Bush)
A List of some of the local papers on microfilm – State Library of Victoria, Newspaper Room
Scottish Naming Pattern
Household Words. A Weekly Journal conducted by Charles Dickens. Issue #37; Saturday, November 30, 1850
The Times, Issue #32,638; London, Tuesday March 5, 1889
Activity (Group) report compiled by Gay Rogers
Book News
Aberfeldy Contributed by Gay Rogers
The Bulletin. From the Issue of January 7, 1893