Book based on extensive collection of postcards published by Avoca and District Historical Society.
The book is built from a collection of postcards exchanged between members of the Powers family in Avoca and the Wills family in Lake Bolac, in an era when postcards were the equivalent of today’s email in enabling people to exchange news and gossip. This collection, consisting of some 140 postcards, was recently discovered within the Wills family by Margaret Wills, author of several local history books published in recent years, who has assembled the best of them into a book containing both sides of the postcards. The messages on the reverse side of each card have been transcribed, using a word processor, as they would not have reproduced in a sufficiently legible quality if scanned. Margaret’s transcriptions have faithfully retained the original spelling and punctuation as written by the sender, thereby conveying the authenticity of the language used.