The society has a research minimum charge, currently $30, which you may remit electronically to the Society’s account at Bendigo Bank – details will be provided upon receipt of enquiry.

President: Vacant Acting Vice-President: Cheryl Mallinson Secretary: Jill Hunter Treasurer: Dorothy Robinson Committee: All of the above, plus Elizabeth Williams, Margaret Pilgrim & Glenda Williams. Newsletter Editor: Margaret Pilgrim Webmaster: Anne Young
Telephone: 03 5465 3118
E-mail address:
Postal address: PO Box 24, Avoca, Vic 3467
Access to records:
From October 2022 the Society’s premises at the Avoca Courthouse will be open the first and third Wednesday of each month from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm from February to mid-December.
The Court House may also be opened by appointment. To arrange an appointment, please telephone 03 5465 3118 or email <> giving as much notice as possible of your proposed visit. Access on Wednesday openings is free to members, and there is a charge of $5 per person per hour. For a “Special Opening” by appointment there is a charge of $30 for up to two hours. In all cases there may be additional costs for any copying required. The scale of charges is displayed prominently in the archives.
The headquarters of the Society is in an historic building at 85 High Street, Avoca, which was the Avoca Court House from 1859 to 1979. It now contains a local history & family history resource centre containing thousands of documents, photographs, maps, microfilm of local newspapers & rate books, artifacts, etc., pertaining to the following localities: Amherst, Amphitheatre, Avoca, Avoca Lead, Barkly, Ben Nevis, Bung Bong, Burnbank, Caralulup, Crowlands, Donkey Hill, Donkey Womans Gully, Dunach, Elmhurst, Evansford, Eversley, Four Mile Flat, Frenchmans, Glenlogie, Glenmona, Glenpatrick, Greenhill Creek, Hinds, Homebush, Joel, Kimberley, Lamplough, Landsborough, Lexton, Lillicur, Moonambel, Mountain Creek, Mt. Lonarch, Mountain Hut, Moyreisk, Natte Yallock, Navarre, Nowhere Creek, Percydale, Rathscar, Redbank, Raggedy Gully, Stuart Mill, Talbot, Tanwood, Tulkara, Warrenmang.