Inverlochy Log

Journal of the Surf Coast Family History Group

Starting December 2021, the Inverlochy Log has been incorporated into the Historical Society's Coastal Current journal.
The Nibbles newsletter can also be found on the Coastal Current page.

All are searchable* PDF files with sizes in the range 300KB-7MB.
Volumes 1-18,35-37a are OCR scans to PDF, the rest are digital PDF originals.
Note: Volumes 35-37a were replaced by the correct versions in Nov 2020.

* Each PDF is individually searchable, but if you want to search all these PDFs for
a term, please copy the following into the Google search box:   search-term(s)

where search-term(s) is the normal Google-style word or words you are looking for.
NB: No space after "site:" and no "http://" in front of the address.
This will result in a list of relevant journals for individual opening and searching.