Anglesea and District Historical Society

Surf Coast Family History Group

New 10-Mar-2025: Meetings.


Christmas Raffle
The lucky winners are both locals: 1st prize: Judy Laird, 2nd prize: Robert Butler.
Thanks to all who bought tickets and helped make the raffle happen - it is our major fund-raiser for the year.

Gwen Morgan
Sadly, our long time researcher and committee member, Gwen Morgan, has had to retire from active duty with the Group because of her deteriorating health. Thank you Gwen for all your hard work over many years.

New publication
The Historical Society has published a new book Changing Face of Anglesea Structures. This builds on and updates the Society's earlier book on Anglesea structures. Price $29-95. Available from the Anglesea newsagent, or Jan Morris on 0448 526 311.

Subs due
Subs for 2024-2025 are due. Payment details are on the ADHS membership form. For bank transfers, please be sure to include your name in the Recipient Reference field.

More News
You can find more family history news in the News section of the latest edition of our combined journal, the Coastal Current. For earlier News pages, please refer to our old Inverlochy Log journals for Sep 2021 and earlier.


Welcome to the Surf Coast Family History Group web pages. Whether you are a member of long standing, a new member, or someone who is just browsing, we hope that you will find these web pages useful.

Our aim is to help our members research their family history. We are a non-profit organisation formed in 1999, staffed by volunteers, and are a sub-group of the Anglesea and District Historical Society Inc. New members are very welcome, so if you would like to join our friendly group, please fill in the Membership Form, or just call in to one of our friendly monthly meetings.

We also offer the free Be Connected computer training sessions sponsored by the Australian Government (Sessions 1pm Tuesdays at History House - please phone Karl on 0412 619 219 to book in).


We meet on the second Thursday of every month except January at 10:00 am at Anglesea's History House (location below), with speakers on a variety of topics to suit the family historian. Please refer to our Meetings Programme. We'd be very interested to hear your story too, or your experiences with recording family history. Presentations or suggestions for presentations are very welcome: please contact our Programme Organiser, Susan Clarke (below).


Up until December 2021 we published the Inverlochy Log (81 issues, Jul 1999 to Sep 2021). Our family history news and articles are now included in the Historical Society's Coastal Current journal. All issues of both publications can be searched and accessed on line. Perhaps you'd like to add your own family history to it - new contributions are very welcome - just contact our Secretary below.


Our library and research centre for members' use contains an extensive range of books, CD-ROMs, microfiche, and magazines, as well as Internet access. Experienced members are available to help beginners. Visitors are very welcome.

Opening Hours:
Currently by appointment, Tuesdays or Saturdays preferred.
Contacts: Susan Clarke 0438 070 560, Chris Guerow 0419 890 736, Marilyn Robinson 5263-1338.

Research service:
Your queries about Anglesea and district's history, early families or houses are very welcome. If actual research is required, there is an up-front charge of $10 for up to an hour of our research, and then $10/hour after that if further research on the topic is requested. Written reports can be provided, possibly also with photographs if available.

The following catalogues of our library are PDF files (100-200 KB each) which you can search for key words, or download to your PC for off-line searching. Our extensive CD-ROM and Australian fiche catalogues are in preparation and will be added to this page as soon as they are ready.
[ Books ] [ Periodicals ] [ Fiche (Overseas) ]

Family Files Project:
Our project in conjunction with the Historical Society to store our published information about the district's early families and properties in a genealogical database is well under way. This will enable much easier researching and producing of reports for public queries without having to read tediously through our multiple publications. Data entry is completed, and we are now starting to merge the seven separate data entry files into a single combined Family File. We expect to have a preliminary demonstration and training version available shortly.

Our associated hard-copy Family File which gathers further documentation on local families is also constantly being added to. Any contributions you can make about your own family or others would be warmly welcomed.

Geelong Library Sessions:
The Geelong Library regularly runs sessions around its various branches of interest to family historians. Sessions. Then set Event Type to "Heritage".

Contact Us

Enquiries: Email us at:, or contact one of our Officebearers below.

Location: History House, 5a McMillan St, Anglesea, Victoria.
(Entrance 4 of the Anglesea Community Precinct. Melway map 514 (was 196) E7).

Office Bearers for 2024-2025:

Chairperson Karl Jacklin 0436 606 377
Vice-Chairperson (Vacant)
Secretary Susan Clarke 0438 070 560
Treasurer Christine Guerow 0419 890 736
Committee Member Peter Matthews 0402 158 828
Committee Member Marilyn Robinson (03) 5263-1338
Other Positions:      
Librarian Karl Jacklin As above As above
Programme Organiser Susan Clarke As above As above
Website Peter Matthews As above As above

Postal Address: Surf Coast Family History Group, PO Box 98, Anglesea, Vic 3230, Australia.



Facebook (Historical Soc.):