- Gardiners Creek, Kooyongkoot Creek
- Carreras Cigarette factory, 21 Cato Street, Wattle Street, Maclellan & Co Big Store, Cato Street, Foy &Gibson, Arcadia Works, Prahran Square,
- Woodmason’s Dairy and Ice Works, Sydney H Wilson, Melrose Iceworks
- Malvern Town Hall alterations 1926, Hudson and Wardrop
- Glenferrie Road, Dudley Lucas, Dr Player, Wembley Nursery, Webleyana Erica
- Malvern Post Office, Syd Exton, New Malvern Theatre, Arthur Firth, Llaneast, Sacre Coeur
- Waiora, 321 Glenferrie Road, Charles Washington Umphelby, Lydia Umphelby, Nerrena, Sorrett, Cawood, Bowes Kelly, BHP, Anthony Edwin Bowes Kelly, Mary Fanny Hawley, Moorakyne, Malvern Clinic, Very Special Kids, Adelaide Street
- Hornbrook Ragged School, Earl Street, Free Scripture School, Duke Street, Mrs Hornbrook, Hornbrook Free Kindergarten, Hornbrook Children’s Centre
- Leggett’s Ballroom, Harry and Emily Leggett, Greville Street, Porter Street, Maples Stores, Prahran Town Hall, 130 Greville Street, Phil Leggett, Beryl Williams,
- Victorian Blind Cricket Association, Gardiners Creek, William Paterson, Association for the Advancement of the Blind, Vision Australia
92 MHS 2021-2022 December – Jan