Tatong Heritage Group - Flora of the Tatong Region
Flowers seen on the trip to Bell's Peak, October 31 2004.
List by Robyn Maclean.
Pictures by Gregory Kirk.
Please contact tatongheritage at yahoo.com.au if you have any doubts.
Thanks to Frances Barton for some more identifications.
Austral Bluebell |
Wahlenbergia Trichogyna |
Austral Indigo |
Indigofera Australis |
Australian Bugle flower |
Ajuga Australis |
Billy Buttons |
Craspedia Uniflora |
Black Eyed Susan |
Tetratheca Thymifolia |
Blue Fingers |
Caladenia Caerula |
Blue Pincushion |
Brunonia australis |
Bulbine Lily |
Bulbine Bulbosa |
Buttercup |
? |
Chocolate Lily |
Dichopogon Fimbriata |
Common Fringe Myrtle |
Calytrix Tetragona |
Everlasting Daisies (Several types) |
Helichrysum Bracteatum |
Fan Flower |
Scaevola Aemula |
Fringe lily |
Thysanotis Tuberosis |
Geranium |
Geranium Neglecta |
Grass Tree |
Xanthorrhoea Australis |
Grevillea Alpina |
Goldfields Grevillea |
Guinea Flower |
Hibbertia |
Hop Bush |
Dodonea Viscosa |
Ivy Leafed Violet |
Viola Hederacea |
Leopard Orchid |
Diuris Pardina |
Purple Daisy |
Brachycome Angustifolia |
White Fingers |
Caladenia Alba |
Yam Daisy |
Microseris Lanceolata |
Guinea Flower Family |
Milkmaids |
Burchardia umbellata |
Narrow Leaf Bitter Pea |
Daviesia leptohylla |
Not Tiger Orchid but |
Diuris pardina |
? |
Bauera family |
Bulbine Lily |
Bulbine bulbosa |