Tatong Australia Day BBQ 2007

At the Tatong Recreation Reserve

There was a good crowd gathered at the Tatong Recreation Rooms on the evening of Monday 26th January 2007. They were welcomed the Tatong Young Bloods.

Rick Hann read "The Man from Ironbark"
Bill Sykes, our local MP, gave the speech.

As did John Brownstein, Benalla Councillor

Toby (officially christened Evan) Lewis was awarded the Tatong Achiever of the Year


The Tatong Heritage Group had received the Benalla Australia Day Community Event of the Year award for the Railway Commemoration Day, and were pretty pleased.
Added to which Mary Anne Hatters (front row, red shirt) had been awarded the Benalla Achiever of the Year and Toby the Tatong Achiever of the Year

Back Row: Joe Hakkennes, Rod Lindsey (behind in cap), Evan (Toby) Lewis, Bill Dewing (in hat), Bev Hakkennes (green shirt), Greg Kirk, Elaine Brogan (our president, in cap), John Manser, Pat Manser, Kevin Smith
Front Row, kneeling: Geoff Rintala, Andrea Stevenson, Mary Anne Hatters, Charlee Campbell


Cricket Match, Tatong style.

The Tatong Young Bloods (represented here by Jade Kirk and SaraJane Bowering) provided sustenance for the evening.
Charlee Campbell and Kevin Smith, besides being members of the Heritage Group, run the Tatong Holden day at Riverview. This had also been nominated for the Community Event award.


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