Anglesea & District Historical Society Inc.

Program for 2024

Updated 23-May-2024.

Meetings are held on the first Sunday of every even month at 2pm at Anglesea's History House, 5a McMillan St (Entrance 4, Melway 514:E7), unless indicated otherwise. Outings are held during the week on the odd months. Highlighted dates on future outings indicate changes from normal, or from previous dates. Visitors are very welcome. Please check back for any program changes. No activities on Code Red or Extreme fire danger days in Central region.

Transport to all meetings and outings can be arranged by phoning Susan on 0438 070 560.

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Date Event Program
Jan - Sorry - No outing in January.
However the Museum is open on the 2nd Sunday of every month 2-4pm (except Jan), and Friday evenings 4:30-8:00pm when the Community House Twilight Markets are on, or by appointment, Susan on 0438 070 560.
4 Feb Meeting Peter McPhee: The story of AIDA (Aireys Inlet & District Association).
Venue: Anglesea Hotel Function Room. All welcome.
Tue 26 Mar
Outing Outing to Ballarat Tramway Museum & Begonias, combined with Family History Group. Cost $30 members, $35 non-members, includes transport, morning tea at Botanic Gardens and program. Lunch near lake at own cost.
Bookings: Susan 0438 070 560. Leaves History House at 8:45am sharp.
Sun 14 Apr Meeting Jane Shennan's talk is being rescheduled: Updating the RSL Honour Roll.
Instead, members old and new are invited to come to History House to find out what projects are underway and chat with fellow members. There is no need to book but if you do intend to come and could let us know it would help for catering purposes. We look forward to seeing you there
Tue 14 May Outing Altona Mansion. Travel by bus leaving History House at 9:30am. Cost $40 (members $35) includes transport, entrance, morning tea. Lunch at own cost at local cafe.
Sun 2 Jun Meeting Andrew Jones: The story of the Bendigo Bank. Venue: Anglesea Hotel Function Room. Details.
Sun 9 Jun
Special Museum special opening. Children's toys display++. Devonshire tea. All welcome. Details.
Thu 18 Jul
Outing Mid-winter lunch with the Family History Group – Colin Mockett: Geelong woollen mills & the people who worked in them. Venue: Anglesea Hotel Function Room. Details.
Sun 4 Aug Meeting Members' stories.
Sep Outing Geelong Showgrounds Museum. Date & destination to be confirmed.
Sat 12 Oct Outing Annual Dinner. Richard Broome: Mallee Country - Land, People, History.
Sun 13 Oct Meeting Annual General Meeting.
Nov Outing Bellarine Historical Society. Date & destination to be confirmed.
1 Dec Meeting Christmas breakup.

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