New: 10 Mar 2025:
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Anglesea & District Historical Society is a non-profit
organisation staffed by volunteer members of the community, whose
aim is to research and preserve history of the local area.
We welcome new members. If you are interested in joining
our group please fill in our
Membership Form.
Monthly Program: Each month we have a variety
of topics and activities to suit the historian, with guest speakers, historical
DVD's / videos, and outings.
Meetings are held on the first Sunday of each even month at
2:00 pm at History House. Or at other indicated venue.
Outings or activities are held on the odd months: March, May, July, September, and November.
Program details.
New book:
We have recently completed our new book, Changing Face of Anglesea Structures.
Most of Anglesea early structures exist only in history. Bushfires, white ants and developers have taken
their toll. This book shows in pictures how Anglesea has changed over the last 100 plus years.
90 pages and is selling for $29.95. Books are available from
Anglesea News & Lotto, History House when open, or from Jan Morris phone 0448 526 311. Payment is
by cash or EFTPOS.
Research service:
Your queries about Anglesea and district's history, early families or houses are very welcome. If research is
required, there is an up-front charge of $10 for up to an hour of our research, and then $10/hour after
that if further research on the topic is requested. Written reports can be provided, possibly also with
photographs if available.
Quarterly Newsletter:
Coastal Current.
Opening Hours: History House is at 5a McMillan
St, Anglesea (Entrance 4 of Community Precinct), and is open between
2:00 - 4:00pm on the second Sunday of each month and on every Sunday of the
School Holidays, or by appointment, Phone 0438 070 560. It is also open every Sunday 2-4pm in
January except 2 Jan, and on Friday evenings 4:30-8:00pm when the Community House Twilight
Markets are on.
We welcome bus tours,
Probus groups, and school groups. Bookings can be made for a local guide.
Be Connected: We also provide
free computer use and assistance under the
Be Connected
service sponsored by the Australian Government. Session times 1pm Tuesdays.
Please phone Karl on 0436 606 377 to book in.
This replaces the government's discontinued Broadband for Seniors service.
Office Bearers for 2024-2025:
President | Jan Morris | 0448 526 311 | |
Vice-President | James Kelly | 0424 647 267 | |
Secretary | Susan Clarke | 0438 070 560 | |
Treasurer | Christine Guerow | 0419 890 736 | |
Curator | Susan Clarke | As above | As above |
Committee Member | Peter Bromley | 0411 260 822 | |
Committee Member | Judy Laird | 0430 472 210 |
Committee Member | Jim Tutt | 0409 505 199 | |
Other Positions: | | | |
Journal Editor | Karl Jacklin | 0436 606 377 | |
Librarian | Karl Jacklin | As above | As above |
Program Organisers | Jan Morris | As above | As above |
| Susan Clarke | As above | As above |
Website updates | Peter Matthews | 0402 158 828 | |
History House, 5a McMillan Street, Anglesea, Victoria 3230, Australia.
(Postal address: P.O. Box 98, Anglesea, Victoria, Australia. 3230.)
ABN: 93 358 714 099
(Public page - no need to join Facebook)
Address: anghisthouse at gmail . com