Heritage for Visitors
Take all your rubbish away with you.
"Take only memories, leave nothing but footprints." -
Chief Seattle 1786-1866, Chief of the Suquamish
Welcome to Tatong!
The town is located 28km SE of Benalla,
Victoria, on bitumen road. Or about 43 km NW of Tolmie on a
windy gravel road. (See Map
The police station, store, post office, and the butchers are all
now closed, and sadly the school is also being closed, despite
desperate local efforts.
However the Tatong
Tavern is still open and going strong.
The Tatong Heritage Group has placed a
Heritage Information Booth near the Tatong Hall & the
junction of Tiger Hill road and the main road.
To Download
a Self-Drive map, right-click on this link, & choose
"Save Target As".
This is a 65kb .PDF file.
Things to see and do in the Tatong
* Hume & Hovell Monument (S36 47.138 E146 08.346)
Drive 7 South East of Tatong - an
easy and beautiful cycling distance (but watch out for log
2 km beyond is Dodds Bridge, and on the Tolmie side is a picnic
Unfortunately, due to litter left there, the table has been
taken away. We are hoping to have it brought back.
* St Patrick's Church
Is now privately owned and on private land. Kevin would be
delighted to show you round the church; ring 03 5767 2309, or
check the Riverview web site. Occasional services do still take
place in St Patrick's.
* Tour the Rail Signs
The Benalla to Tatong Railway line was opened on 30th June 1914,
and was officially closed on 1st July 1947.
This line was 18¼ miles long (approximately 25 km), and broad
There were four 'stations', Karn, Lima, Mallum and Tatong; but
only Lima & Tatong had station buildings.
Tatong also had a 53' turntable.
The line was served, in the early years, by a mixed goods and
passenger train pulled by a 'D' class locomotive.
It carried sawn timber, live stock and produce, as well as
By the start of the 21st
century, the rail line was all but forgotten. The road leaving
Tatong for Swanpool starts off along what was once the rail
embankment. The sleepers and rails are long gone, the bridges
burnt and fallen down, and the embankment runs through private
land. The station buildings have long since been dismantled.
However, the Tatong Heritage
Group, with the farmers who own the land where the stations once
were, have erected signs in the original style to mark the
The signs can be seen from the road, and by using the Self-Drive
Map you may find them: down Karn lane, along Castle Hill
road, on the Samaria road and on the Tatong-Swanpool road.
The Tatong Station site is now 1 km West of Tatong itself (the
town shifted), and on most days you can revive yourself at the Tavern
before your return trip.
(See "Launch of the
Tatong Railway Precinct" on the
Events page.)
Please do not try to get onto private
Any activity is to be undertaken at
your own risk.
We make these suggestions leaving it to your own
responsibility as to where you go, and what you do.
We hope find you much to please and interest you in the Tatong

Contact us via tatongheritage
at yahoo.com.au

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