December 2nd 2007 was the Tatong Young Bloods' "Cow Poo Lotto" day, raising money for the Royal Children's Hospital.

Anyone could have a plate, for just $20, with a nail thrown in as well. Once the owner's name was written on the plate, it could be placed according to the buyer's judgement, in the Cow Release Area.

(This sketch was done by Mike Larkin especially for the event.)


And here is Mike, deciding where the cow is most likely to go. Note Michael Turner to the left - he looks very decisive.
More people trying to think like a cow.
...and more
Finally, the Tatong Young Bloods check the area before
 the Release of the Cow.
There is great Excitement in the crowd.
At last - the Entry of the Cow
This is Ozie the Cow. And Pete the dairy-man.
And Grace to the left, wisely getting back in the car.
Release the Cow!
Ozie is out...
... What now?
Dinner. Obviously.
Ozie considers the possibilities.
Bashful - must have realised why everyone is staring at her.
This is the business end.
Then the fence fell down.
Jess & Rod hastened to stand it up before Ozie left for Tolmie.
Jess tells Ozie to stay put. Ozie has been showing signs of exasperation.

At Last! Several people claimed to have seen
Ozie have a small poo.

Adjudicator Bill Sykes went to see... taking into account Ozie's aforementioned exasperation.

Discretion is the better part of Valour.
Adjudication: We have poo.
And yes, it really is cow poo.
Rod tried cow-whispering.
It didn't work.
The winner, Michael Turner, is awarded a cheque by Bill Sykes.
Michael swaps a half-drunk can for it.

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