Tag: Williams Family Collection

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    Cormack Lowther and Sam James cyaniding the Poverty battery sand, 1916. Looking south-west. From the Win and Les Williams Collection.

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    Reverse of preceding image.

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    The Pavilion at the Tarnagulla Recreation Reserve, c.1940. From the Win and Les Williams Collection.

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    Victoria Hotel, Tarnagulla, c. 1912. Note the elaborate kerosene lamp with horse hitching ring and the horse watering trough. From the Win and Les Williams Collection.

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    Company's Dam, Tarnagulla, c1920. Almost running a banker. Note the flour mill and other buildings in the background. From the Win and Les Williams Collection.

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    Commercial Road, Tarnagulla, looking south from Poverty Street, c.1930.From the Win and Les Williams Collection.

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    Commercial Road, Tarnagulla, late 1930s, looking south from the Union Bank. From the Win and Les Williams Collection.

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    Tarnagulla Gold Estates NL's hydraulic sluicing dredge, Sandy Creek Lead, Tarnagulla, 1911. From the Win and Les Williams Collection.

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    Bus picking up passengers outside the Golden Age Hotel, Tarnagulla, c.1950, probably a Reunion. From the Win and Les Williams Collection.

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