Laanecoorie Identity - Thomas Grisold

Laanecoorie Identity - Thomas Grisold

Thomas Grisold

Born in Oxfordshire, England , in 1825 and arrived in Victoria in 1857. He was apprenticed in England as a wheelwright and continued this trade in Collingwood and Fitzroy. Opened a shop and continued his trade in Tarnagulla for two years and in 1870 went to Laanecoorie and built a hotel and blacksmiths shop. He was tragically killed on 7 July 1885 by being kicked to death by a horse he was about to drive to Maldon.
He was prominent in mining and all pubic organisations and was on the Committee to form the Mechanics' Institute and a Trustee.

Scanned and enhanced by George Swinburne
Jenny Cain Collection.


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