Ballarat and Ballarat East directory 1865 (CD)
British Census 1851- Devon, Cambridge and Warrick only (CD)
British Census 1881 (CD)
Murray Electoral Rolls, 1964, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1975, 1982 (SFHG Location: 380.3 ELE)
Electoral Roll 1961 Subdivision of Shepparton (SFHG location: 480.3630 ELE)
1992 Electoral Roll Division of Bendigo (CD)
Mourith J Port Phillip Almanac and Directory. Melbourne 1847 (SFHG location: Ref 320.3 MOU).
Treble Almanack 1803 Wilson's Dublin Directory, English Registry of Lists, Watson's Gentlemen's and Citizens Almanack (microfiche)
Voters' list for Central Riding of the Shire of Goulburn 1972 and North Riding of the Shire of Goulburn 1972 (SFHG location: Ref 480.3630 VOT)
Voters Roll Shire of Yarrawonga for year ending July 1880, Western Riding Shire of Yarrawonga for year ending July 1884 (SFHG location: REF 380.3730 VOT)
Electoral Roll for Eastern States Victoria 1903,
Queensland 1903, South Australia 1909 (CD)