LAST EXCURSIONThe excursion to see where the water race from the Jim Crowe Creek was areal winner. So many people have taken the trouble to say how much they enjoyed the day. Crossing the rise and descending into “Truro” opened up a view that few people had seen before. There were the remains of mines tunnelled into the hillside as well as the New Era mine with its entrance right beside Eric and Joy Sartori’s house. The Jim Crowe Creek was a delight with its quiet pools, the weir and the remains of the water race. Everywhere there were the remains of the Sartori family’s history and Eric was kind enough to provide the society with copies of photos and information. After enjoying our afternoon tea, we continued on to see where the water races finished up. In Pound Lane, thanks to the present owners, the Boyack family, we were able to view the 2 reservoirs that were built in the 1930’s to provide Newstead with a water supply until 1980.
NEXT EXCURSIONFor our last excursion of the year, it has been decided to revisit the Precipice. This is a special place with an interesting story. The society has a mysterious photo with “ The Ragged Thirteen” written on it, showing a well-dressed party posed against an impressive rock formation. We discovered the story of the group from the Echo. Alan Burgess identified the site that he called the Precipice. After our first visit we subsequently discovered the owners were the Chong family who were pleased to know about the photo and who allow us to visit on occasions. As some of our newer members haven’t been before, we decided to revisit it on November 12th carpooling from the courthouse as usual at 1.30 pm. We will return to the courthouse for our afternoon tea.
BALLARAT FAMILY HISTORY EXPONewstead & District Historical Society again attended this annual event that is run by Central Highlands Historical Association at Aquinas College, Ballarat. Each year there is a theme and this year it was “Three Cheers For Volunteers”. There were three interesting lectures on both days and Public Records Office provided an award for the best display in the form of $250 of archival material. This year it was won by Maldon. An encouragement award of $100 was also made as well as an award of $100 for five years consistent displays that was awarded to us!
21ST BIRTHDAY It was very satisfying to be able to celebrate twenty one years of existence. In 1986, Dorothy Clark advertised asking if anyone was interested in establishing a Historical Society in Newstead. Peter Skilbeck paid tribute to the achievements that have been made since that time. The early members had arranged to lease the courthouse that had been used by the Youth Club and had set up a system of collecting and indexing the history of the former Shire of Newstead. The first president Ross Suter also congratulated the society on their work. Peter Skilbeck then announced that Dorothy Clark, Janet Trudgeon and Dawn Angliss were to be awarded life memberships. So the Mechanics’ Institute that has seen the passing parade of Newstead history over the years, was the venue for yet another chapter!
MARKETYes, it’s that time of the year again! Included with the newsletter is a book of raffle tickets ($5) for a Christmas Hamper to be drawn at noon on Market Day November 17th at Rotunda Park. Your help is always magnificent and always appreciated. Other ways to help are to donate articles for the hamper, providing cakes, biscuits, jams etc, things for the White Elephant Stall and by helping us man our site on the day. As well as being a pleasant community day, our Market Days are the way that we keep our society funded for the future.
Next meeting 1.30 pm at the courthouse Monday 19th November.
©2004 Newstead & District Historical Society Web Design: Brian