President Alan Burgess 54762367 Secretary Dawn Angliss 54762006 Treasurer Janet Trudgeon 54762437 Research Di Reid direid@gcom.net.au Website http://home.vicnet.net.au/~newdhs/
REPORT ON EXCURSION TO STATE LIBRARYAlthough there was only a party of three who partook of the excursion last month to the State Library, it was considered a great success. The temporary exhibition on “Eureka” was very comprehensive and the only thing that seemed to be missing was the Eureka Flag whose siting and ownership seems to always be in contention. No doubt the Ballarat Art Gallery was not going to let that out of its hands! The Cowan Gallery has a permanent collection of art works based on celebrated parliamentarians, pioneers, prominent citizens as well as people renowned in the art, science and literary history of the state. However the main item was the ‘Changing Face of Victoria” exhibition that is situated on the 5th level of the wonderfully restored domed section of the library. The history of the state is on show with wonderful photos and artefacts including those belonging to Batman and Henty. Panoramas of Melbourne from different eras show how the city came of age in the few years when gold was discovered. From an almost rural skyline, the wonderful buildings sprang up and Melbourne was transformed. A couple of the photos were of particular interest to us and it was possible to obtain copies by downloading them from the net.
PARTYA full house turned up on the night of our annual party and it was particularly pleasing to see members from Melbourne join us on the night. The courthouse was transformed with an open fire, candles and flowers as well as tempting food and drink that seem to materialise from nowhere. It is a great chance to share each other’s company in a convivial atmosphere.
MARYBOROUGH FAMILY HISTORY DAY REPORTWe attended the Maryborough Family History Group’s Discovery Day on Sunday September 18th. There are always some people that can be helped in their tracing of family history and it is pleasing to be able to do so.
CHHA FAMILY HISTORY EXPO AT BALLARATThe annual family history weekend at Ballarat has been held. The theme this year was “ Communication: Carrier Pigeons to Computers”. Our society decided that we would concentrate on the role that “The Echo” has played in our district, especially as this year has been the 10th anniversary of the community paper still called “The Echo”. We drew heavily on the wonderful work done by Gordon Dowell for our display. Each year the Public Record Office donates a prize of $250 of archival material to the society with the best display, although we didn’t win, we were one of two societies that were awarded an encouragement award of $100 of archival material!
EXCURSION FOR OCTOBERAn offer by Ross Suter, one of the Society’s life members, has been taken up to take us through Carmen’s Tunnel at Maldon. There will be a charge of $4. From there, others points of interest in Maldon’s mining past will be visited. As the weather will be improving by then it will be a good chance to get out and explore our historic neighbourhood. As usual, meet at the courthouse if you wish to come on Monday 17th of October at 1.30 pm.
NEW MEMBERS FOR THE MOUNT ALEXANDER HERITAGE ADVISORY BOARD Congratulations to our vice president, Derek Reid and to our neighbour Gordon Dowell for their appointments to the Mount Alexander Heritage Advisory Board. We are well aware of the talents that they will bring to the board and wish them well in their new roles.
TOILET/STORAGE FACILITYAn amount of $15,000 has been allotted in the council’s budget for the coming year for the building of a toilet/storage facility. At present you will no doubt be aware that there is no water on site and the toilet facilities consist of a long-drop toilet. Negotiations have been going on with the council from whom we lease the courthouse towards this end and it is at last under way.
CALENDARMonday October 17th Excursion to Carmen’s tunnel leaving courthouse at 1.30 pm Monday October 17th Meeting at courthouse at 7.30 pm |
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