cheque for $3,376 from Parks Victoria is to be presented to our society on
Monday morning by Dianne Hadden, member for Ballarat in the Legislative Council
of Victoria. To show our appreciation and offer Dianne some Newstead Historical
Society hospitality, it is hoped that lots of our members can be present. We
expect Dianne at about 10.30 – 10.45am. ln the afternoon, an excursion has
been arranged to the Newstead cemetery. We did visit the cemetery a few months
ago but realised how much better it would have been if Moira Petersen had been
there to explain some more details for us. Moira is going to be there on Monday
afternoon to meet with us. Assemble at the courthouse at 1.45pm or meet at the
cemetery at 2.00pm if you are interested. INDEXING FAMILY HISTORY FILES There
is a need to be able to get ready access to the valuable information at present
stored in the filing cabinet in family history files. Liz Coady has put her mind
to the problem and has suggested a working bee at her house on Wednesday June 6
at 9.30 am. Bring your lunch and be prepared to help in writing out data that
can then be put onto computer. Everyone welcome! SUBSCRIPTIONS Thanks
to the many people who have already paid. The information was a little unclear
– subscriptions are Single $15 Family $25 If you get the newsletters posted to
you, an additional charge of $5 is requested to cover the cost of postage,
envelopes etc. MICROFILM
society is now the proud possessor of a second-hand Canon machine. All did not
go entirely smoothly but after three visits by Graeme Bowles from Microview the
machine is in place and working. There is a written 3-month warrantee. It
represents a major expense, $2,915, (which is the proceeds of 6 markets!) but it
means assistance in several ways. 1; We will be able to get printed copies of
articles in the copies of the Newstead Echo. At the moment we have copies of the
years 1896 – 1920 and have a grant to get the remaining years, 1920 till ]
968. The whisper is that these might be here before the end of the month! 2; Two
people can be involved on Monday mornings on the job of indexing the data from
the Echo. Up till now, Janet Trudgeon has single handedly done this painstaking
job and now Di Reid will also take on the project. 3.
At times we have researchers also wanting to make use of a reader, so that at
least one machine can be in use for our own work. At this stage we are still
working out the cost for members and visitors to use it. WHITE ANT TREATMENT After
a visit by Mandy Jean, Heritage Adviser to the Mount Alexander Shire, the
society resolved on having treatment for termites. Two quotes have been obtained
and the successful tenderer, Alan Poole, will treat the courthouse and
surrounds. MAINTENANCE John
Neall has been involved in repairing the mortar in the sandstone foundations.
Mandy Jean had noted that a stone had fallen out and advised continual checking.
John has also replaced the tap on the tank with one that has a removable handle,
now kept in the kitchen cupboard to protect our water supply. MUSEUM EXCURSION REPORT Five
members had a most enjoyable day, travelling by train and tram to the new
Melbourne Museum. Unfortunately the new dinosaur section had not been opened but
there was plenty to see, including the temporary exhibition “Forging A
Nation” about federation. The Charles Nuttall painting of the opening of the
first parliament was on view, a copy of which is hanging in our courthouse. The
collection of the art of Lin Onus was on view in the Aboriginal Centre Bunjilaka.
The outside Forest Gallery was impressive and we were pleased to see that the
Science and Life Gallery still had a lot of the old exhibits of Australian
animals, birds rocks etc that were a feature of the old museum. The museum is
exceedingly spacious and fantastic but there were those of us who couldn’t
help agree with some of the criticisms that have been aired – the positioning
beside the splendour of the Exhibition buildings, poor lighting in some areas
and the wisdom of that amount of money and space to show ”1% of their
collections”. So you see you will just have to go and make up your own minds! ACQUISITIONS Copy
of the Pedler Family Book, photos and letters from Laurie Redfearn including an
early photo of the children at Joyces Creek school, a framed photo of the band
in Rotunda Park originally presented to F W Ellis in 1920 and another collection
of material from Margaret Di Fiore from the State Library, CALENDAR Monday
June 4th 10.30 am. Visit by Dianne Hadden to the Courthouse Monday
June 4th 1.45 pm. Excursion to the cemetery Wednesday
June 6th 9.30 at Liz Coady’s house – indexing family history files Next
meeting 18 June 1.30pm at the courthouse.
©2004 Newstead & District Historical Society Web Design: Brian