WORKING BEEAt our meeting on Monday it was decided that a working bee would be held on Monday afternoon next, July 25th at 2pm to work on both the courthouse and its surrounds. The cutting of the grass is a constant headache but with the offer of the use of a ride-on mower and plenty of hands it is hoped that we will present a dust-free, tidy interior and an exterior to match. The plantings of shrubs and trees are thriving and spring will see the acacias and the wax flower in bloom. Old residents will remember when the surrounding bush was full of waxflowers but over the years it is rare to see any close to Newstead. It was for that reason that a wax flower was chosen when we planted a row of shrubs to hide our fence that has since collapsed under a fallen branch and been removed! Please come and help if you are able…there will be the usual culinary rewards to those who do.
EXCURSIONAt the Wool and Sheep Show in Bendigo last weekend, the Wool Museum at Geelong was represented. They are currently holding an exhibition on Rare Trades. Twenty different trades such as black-smithing; pattern making, horology, dry-stonewalling etc are featured. It is suggested that we have an excursion on Wednesday August 3rd leaving the courthouse at approximately 8.30 am. The reason that we chose that particular date is because on that day a demonstration of dry-stone walling is being shown between 11 and 2 pm. Entry to the museum is $ 5.50 per for group entry and we will share petrol money. We have the offer of 6 places in the ‘bus’ with Peter and Lil Skilbeck and other cars will go if needed. We will need to know numbers so if you are interested, please ring me (Dawn Angliss 54762006) by Monday August 1st.
STATE LIBRARYA future excursion to visit the State Library is planned, using public transport on Thursday 25th August.
TOILET/STORAGE FACILITYThank you to all those who been involved in putting our case to Mount Alexander council for the need to include a toilet/storage facility in the current budget for 2005/2006. All the efforts have seen us successful in receiving a grant of $15,000 towards the project. With the sewerage project for Newstead now begun our current arrangements of a ‘long drop’ facility on our neighbour’s fence line, although historic, are to be updated.
CARISBROOK DINNERLast Tuesday, several members of our Newstead and District historical Society met at Caroline’s Restaurant for the annual dinner put on by the Carisbrook Historical Society. As usual, this is a great night and many of those attending took the opportunity to do their ‘show and tell’. Many interesting stories were told and it also an occasion to meet members from other Historical Societies in a pleasant, informal atmosphere.
ACQUISITIONMoira Petersen presented the Society with a cloth notice that advertised the rates and charges of the Newstead Cemetery about 60 years ago.
EXHIBITION IN CASTLEMIANE“Gallipoli, a Turkish View” will be at the Market Building from 8th August to 25th September, hosted by the Castlemaine Historical Society, and sponsored by the Mount Alexander Shire Heritage Advisory Board and the Castlemaine Branch of the RSL.
WORK AT THE COURTHOUSECurrent projects being worked on at the courthouse are · Indexing of The Echo · Scanning of photographs and indexing them onto computer · Oral histories being written up · Guildford burials and school records, belonging to Frank Passalaqua, being recorded on to computer for our records and for a copy to be given to Frank · Photographs being catalogued
as well as helping the visitors that walk through the door! It is a varied and always interesting time at the courthouse on Monday mornings.
NEXT MEETINGMonday 15th August at 7.30 pm at the courthouse.
DIARYMonday 25th July Working Bee at courthouse 2 pm Wednesday 3rd August Excursion to Wool Museum Geelong, book 54762006 Monday 15th August Meeting at courthouse 7.30 pm Thursday 25th August Excursion to State Library
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