2003 It
was a wise decision to choose an indoor setting for our June excursion as a cold
wind was blowing along the streets of Castlemaine as we found our way to the old
telegraph station and Faulder Watson hall, home to the Pioneers and Old
Residents. Caesar-Gordon and Cliff Sheehan were waiting for and explained the
reasons for setting up the association and showed us their collection of photos
and memorabilia and then took us up the very steep staircase to show us the room
containing the telegraphic equipment. We were excited to see on the wall an old
map that had illustrations and advertisements surrounding it, one of which
depicted Mr Sutherland’s biscuit factory in Newstead. We have information
about this enterprise but no illustration so arrangements have been made to get
a photo for our archives. A very good description of the factory is contained in
“The Early Days of Newstead” booklet and how it made various types of
confectionary. ACQUISITIONS This
month we have acquired o
A video
of a segment made by the Weather Channel in Sydney about the Sandon tornado. We
provided information to them at their request and they then came to Sandon and
filmed a short film about significant event. This is available to be borrowed. o
on the Richardson family from Jan Osborn o
and information from Dave Clark about the various soldiers’ memorials in our
district o
A book
called ‘Private Lives, Public Records’ that we purchased from the Public
Records Office with help to use the records that they hold. PLANTINGS Thanks
to the helpers who planted our screen of trees and shrubs along our fence line.
Thanks too to Frances Cincotta, Newstead Natives, who kindly donated the plants
that we had chosen. PARTY When
the chills of winter are upon us what do we think of? Why, our annual night at
the courthouse where there will be a fire, lovely food and drink and the company
of friends! At this stage we have tentatively set aside Saturday September 13th
to write in your diary. WEB SITE Brian
Dieckmann has been at work and has gone a long way towards getting our own site.
At this stage, it is looking good and we anticipate that when it is in
operation, the opportunity will be there for those members with access to the
web, to receive our newsletter on line. As well we will describe our society and
have maps showing were we are, have details of membership, list our holdings and
any publications for sale. Other societies have already made themselves
available to the web browsers and we hope to join them. Janet
Trudgeon has found a later article in the Newstead Echo to show the
under currents that were not apparent in our previous photo and article! The Editor Sir – Will you kindly allow me to make a few remarks about the complimentary banquet recently given to the old pioneers of this district by Mr. W S Keast, MLA. As a considerable amount of feeling exists, owing to a number of old pioneers not receiving an invitation, and certain number of more recent residents being invited, who move in a certain circle of society, I do not know who is to blame for the regrettable omission nor do I want to reflect on anyone. The object I have in view is to exonerate Mr Keast and to endeavour to sympathise with the Pioneers who were seemingly left out for some particular reason unknown to me, and to assure them that I have been informed by Mr. Keast direct that he gave instructions for all the old pioneers in the district to be invited irrespective of position socially, and I hope this explanation, which is due to Mr. Keast, will be satisfactory to one and all who did not receive an invitation, and exonerate him, at least, from any blame in the matter,- Yours, &c, W S McAlpine NEXT EXCURSION A trip is planned to Franklinford to see the site of
the Aboriginal Protectorate August 11th leaving from the courthouse
at 1.30. We have asked Geoff Morrison to lead us. Last year Geoff republished
the trilogy that his father Edgar Morrison had written about the Protectorate,
“Early Days in the Loddon Valley”, “Frontier Life in the Loddon
Protectorate” and “The Loddon Aborigines” in an updated second edition
called “The Successful Failure”. It is a great read contains some fantastic
photos and information about a very special place in history that is on our own
doorstep. I really like the description of the visit by the
vice regal visitors Sir John and Lady Franklin recently retired governor of
Tasmania in 1843. Sir John later lost his life in the frozen wastes trying to
find the supposed north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. While
here they ascended Jim Crow Hill later to be Mt Franklin………... ‘The
legend is that Sir John being lame, and because Lady Franklin though not
“over- stout”, was in all probability not over-slim either, it was decided
by the old campaigner to try the following experiment. He caused the two front
wheels of the vehicle to be placed on one side, while the larger rear wheels
were installed on the other. This enabled the vehicle (now more nondescript than
before!) to ascend the Mount spirally on a fairly even keel. It would seem to be
a rather hazardous expedient, calling for a very quiet horse and a very
competent driver to negotiate those tree-clad slopes safely.’ From ‘A
Successful Failure” by Edgar Morrison Edited by Geoff
Morrison Please come and bring any friends who may be
interested. NEXT
MEETING August 21st at
the courthouse at 1.30. |
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