the June newsletter, mention was made of the business in the courthouse on a
Monday morning. As a result of the number of machines that we have operating in
the workroom, there is a tangle of electrical leads and fear that the single
line they are working from is inadequate. Advice has been obtained and a further
line is to be installed and more power points will be put in. The embankment
recently landscaped, is to be planted with grass seed. Bryce Collie, the
contractor, will supervise a working bee on Thursday morning August 22”’ at
9.30. At the same time the inside of the courthouse will get a spring-clean!
Thanks in advance to the members for their support in this regard. Alan Burgess
has been mowing and the great crop of capeweed we are growing on the west side
of the courthouse is a great deal tidier. LAST EXCURSION Last
Monday saw a dedicated band set out in icy conditions to meet Max Kay who had
offered to show us his part of the former Shire of Newstead, Yapeen. Max is
descended from Jessie Kennedy, the ’first white child’. We were met and
escorted to the prominence where the old Strathloddon house was. Max had also
invited other people who where from the area or had formerly lived there. Among
these was Lindsay Bradfield who had lived in this house in his youth. He pointed
out that the old roofing iron on the shed had come from the house and was the
original iron. Max showed us early maps and the copy of a painting of the
original Strathloddon. A walk along the ridge gave a fine view through to
Guildford. From there we drove to Max and Ian’s home which was once the
Balmoral Hotel belonging to William Aberdeen. Present in the group were
descendants of William Aberdeen who related some of the fascinating stories from
his past. One of our members, Derek Reid has been collecting information on
William Aberdeen and was able to produce a photo of him. It was just the right
day to have our afternoon tea in the warm and welcoming surrounds rather than
the customary alfresco arrangements! Our library contains several books that
will give more information about the Kennedy, Cameron and Campbell families who
migrated from the same part of Scotland and were the early settlers of Clunes,
Campbells Creek and the Strathloddon and Bowyards runs. As usual it proved to be
a very interesting outing and our thanks are extended to Max and Ian for their
hospitality NEXT EXCURSION Our
next outing will be on Monday September 2nd to Sandon. We will leave
from the courthouse at 1.30 and travel to Sandon with stops along the way to see
the old reservoir in Pound Lane, the former Williamson house and view the hill
where the Reformatory was, the Catholic Church at Sandon and to Joan and Alec
Culvenor’s place. Then if there is time we will go out the site of the Sandon
tornado. It sounds great! PARTY TIME As
mentioned in last month’s newsletter we have decided to hold a celebratory evening
along the lines of last year’s event. The idea is to have an evening to enjoy
each others company and some food and drinks in the fine surroundings of our
courthouse. The occasion will be on Saturday September 7th at 7.30 pm. Please
bring a drink and maybe a small plate (Last year there was too much food!) But
the most important thing is to bring yourself! MADELINE HUGO We
now have, thanks to Daylesford Historical Society, a photo of the little lost
girl, and news of her life after that. She married and lived in Daylesford,
dying in 1972. We have a display of the newspaper articles and her photo in the
courthouse. MARKET DAY This
is a reminder that our November Market is fast approaching and to remember to
keep free Saturday November 16th. MEETING Our
next meeting is on September 16th 1.30 at the courthouse.
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