APRIL 2003 NEWSLETTER ’NEWSTEAD REMEMBERS’ We made it and what a night it was! The idea of Phil Butcher
to have a night of celebration remembering various subjects worked out well.
Thanks to marvellous help from the wider community the old Mechanics’
Institute came alive to the sounds of music and a screen brought back images
from the past to the assembled crowd who enjoyed fine food and drink. The first
theme was the indigenous people. Rick and Kane Nelson descendants of the local
Dja wurrung people welcomed us and played the didgeridoo. Videoed images of scar
trees and photos of Rick’s forbears were features of the Phil’s interview.
The next segment, the community, was introduced with a song that had local
significance. It was written by Lyn Muir, granddaughter of Midas McKay. Midas
was the daughter of George McKay, manager of the Byron mine and was herself very
musical. The song told of the settlers yearning for their former home in
Scotland and we watched an image of young Midas dressed in her Scottish kilt
waving as if to the far-off country as Peter Moloney sang it for us. Elsie
Barkla was interviewed about her early memories of Newstead and of course as
Elsie always is, was marvellous! We heard how she shared her bike on the ride to
school, how the Williamson family sent apples to England in 1886 and what the
streetscape looked like in the twenties and thirties. The final part was devoted
to the dredge. Peter Moloney talked to Ern McManus who has a great memory and
the photos that Simon Turvey had lent us added to the story. Lindsay Garsed also
went on stage to contribute his knowledge. Unfortunately Keith Ramsay who also
worked on the dredge, was not able to be there. We were indebted to NAPE for the
use of their stage, to Dean McLaren for videoing the night, to Kane Nelson and
Bronwyn for producing the brochure that we were able to distribute, to Peter
Moloney for the use of his sound equipment, to ’whoever’ lent us the data
processor that enabled us to show images, to Janet Barker for the use of her
portable cool-room when a fridge at the hall ’died’ and all the kind helpers
who gave a hand at providing the food. To the other members of the steering
committee – Gordon Dowell, Jenny Dyer, Derek Reid, Giselle Neall and Phil
Butcher – a big thank you! PUBLIC RECORDS OFFICE VISIT We welcomed Ross Gibbs, Director of the PRO who was
accompanied by his successor, Shauna Hicks. Ross was here to present us with the
archival material that was the prize for being judged the best display at last
year’s Family History Expo at Ballarat. Several members of Central
Highland’s Historical Society were present for the occasion. We managed to
welcome them and were aware of the honour of the occasion (which went very well
except for the secretary pulling the front door off its hinge just before the
official party arrived. It has been restored to its former glory thanks to Kevin
Adams!). EXCURSION: Another trip out to the shores of Cairn Curran was taken in
early April. Kevin Leathbridge again lead us, this time to the site of the old
Ware home. Kevin was able to tell us lots of memories of his family at that
site. It was here that the young Leslie Ware was struck and killed by lightning
while riding a horse in about 1908. The second site was Spring Farm were the
Barkla family had a weighbridge for handling wheat. From there we travelled to
Joyces Creek where the old school and post office had been. Several members were
able to share their memories as we had our ’cuppa’. Some dedicated folk then
went on with John Butler down Captains Gully Road to the site of the old school.
Since then information from the book ”Vision and Realisation’ by the
Education Department, has come to light about its history and how it was shifted
3 times. This month has been such a busy one that we haven’t had an excursion
but shall organise one at our next meeting. ANNUAL MEETING April is annual meeting time. At our annual meeting office
bearers for the coming year were elected. They are – President Alan Burgess 54762367 Vice
Derek Reid
derekdi@gcom.net.au Secretary
Dawn Angliss
adawn@gcom.net.au Treasurer
Janet Trudgeon
54762437 Committee
John Neall
Di Reid
54762274 Public
Derek Reid
derekdi@gcom.net.au Due to a sharp rise in the cost of insurance the
subscriptions have been increased. A single membership is now $20, a family
membership $35 and don’t forget that the cost of having the newsletter posted
to you is an additional $5. Forms are enclosed with this newsletter. The evening
was concluded by an entertaining talk by George Milford ”A Cook’s Tour of
Harcourt”. In this George was able to combine descriptions of historic homes
and sites and the methods of cooking that they used. These varied from the
aboriginal ovens to elaborate baker’s ovens. George also pointed out that a
1947 encyclopaedia reference stated that cooking changed more in the century
preceding 1947 than at any other century. HERITAGE FESTIVAL: In conjunction with others in the shire, we will be mounting
a display in the Market building in Castlemaine. It will describe the work our
society does and give a demonstration of the information our indexed Di Fiore
and Trudgeon files bring to light. The example we have taken is the Strathloddon
Hotel that used to be in Guildford and the adjoining timber business run by W
Dolphin. NEXT MEETING: May 19th at the courthouse at 1.30 |
©2004 Newstead & District Historical Society Web Design: Brian