Nagambie Mechanics' Institute
Est. 1865
286 High Street, Nagambie VIC 3608
Nagambie Mechanics' Institute exterior
Nagambie Mechanics' Institute facing stage
Nagambie Mechanics' Institute facing rear of hall
1 - 3
Hire Charges
Op Shop
Brief History of the Nagambie Mechanics' Institute
The Institute was established in 1865 or earlier. The first Hall was built in 1873. The library operated from 1874 to unknown. The Institute has been a centre for a wide range of activities. The next Hall was built at the rear of the original building in 1931. An Op Shop was established in `985 and still operates to this day, open 4 days a week. Major works have included: 2002-2003 - inside toilets installed; 2006-2007 - Hall upgrade including flooring, re-wiring and installation of air conditioning; 2011 - restoration of front rooms, kitchen upgrade; 2013 - erection of verandah over north entrance, restoration and painting of wooden window frames, installation of wrought iron gates and painting of facade.
Activities at the Hall in recent years (2000s) have included strength training sessions, youth group meetings, various dance classes, movie nights, discos, theatre company productions, various meetings of local groups, table tennis, Anzac Day services, Masonic Lodge social nights, football club balls, Lions Club Christmas Carols, school concerts and private functions.
MIV Plaque No. 20 was erected October 2007. This plaque is situated on the front of the Institute, to the left of the front door.
Annual Events Calendar
Building facilities
~Kitchen (Standard)
~Dressing Rooms
~Supper Room
~Folding Tables
~Sheltered Porch
~3-Phase Power
~Public Toilets (when Hall open)
Available for hire for:
~Wedding ceremonies
~Wedding receptions
~Wakes and funerals
~Birthdays (except 18th)
~Art shows
~Dance classes
~Theatre groups
~Yoga, pilates and similar
~Club and group meeting
~Youth groups
Hire Charges
Full Hall - $150*
Main Hall - $100*
Supper Room - $50*
*includes use of the kitchen
Contact the Institute for more information and current rates as special rates may be available for community groups
Available for hire for:
~Wedding ceremonies
~Wedding receptions
~Wakes and funerals
~Birthdays (except 18th)
~Art shows
~Dance classes
~Theatre groups
~Yoga, pilates and similar
~Club and group meeting
~Youth groups
Nagambie Mechanics' Institute Op Shop
The Op Shop is open 4 days a week.
Hours of Operation
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
Thursday 10am - 2pm
Friday 10am - 12pm
Saturday 10am - 12pm
Street Address
286 High Street
Nagambie VIC 3608
Postal Address
C/o Bruce Parris
253 High Street
Nagambie VIC 3608
Contact (General Enquiries):
Erica Allen 0403 362 602
Contact (Hire/Events Enquiries):
Lyn Tanner (03) 5794 1719
Reg No. A0038156G ABN 60 337 355 989
(c) 1998-2017, Mechanics Institutes of Victoria Inc. All rights reserved.