Mechanics' Institutes Worldwide Conferences
MIV first held an international conference for Mechanics' Institutes, Athenaeums, Literary Institutes, Lyceums, Mercantile Libraries, Schools of Arts and Working Men's Institutes in 2004. These conferences are held every 3-5 years in different parts of the world. They are aimed at bringing together representatives from Mechanics' Institutes and their ilk from all across the world to exchange ideas, hear histories and discuss their present situation and their aims for the future. Thus far, four MW Conferences have been held, the fifth is to be held in Scotland in 2021.
Mechanics' Worldwide 2016 was held in San Francisco! CLICK HERE for more info!
The 4th Mechanics' Worldwide Conference 2016
MW 2004 - The first Mechanics' Worldwide Conference
MW 2009 - Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution
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Proceedings of MW2004 are available for purchase! Contact Prahran Mechanics' Institute
Buildings, Books and Beyond: Mechanics' Worldwide 2004
The first Mechanics' Institutes Worldwide Conference was hosted by MIV in September 2004 at Swinburne University, Prahran, and the Prahran Mechanics' Institute.
The proceedings which comprise forty seven papers plus illustrations is available in hard copy and CD ROM. Contact Prahran Mechanics' Institute.
Self Help: Mechanics' Worldwide 2009
The Second Mechanics' Institutes Worldwide Conference was hosted by the Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution in Bath, England in September 2009.
Buildings, Books and Blackboards - Intersecting Narratives: Mechanics' Worldwide 2012
The Third Mechanics' Worldwide Conference, was held in combination with two other groups with an interest in history, libraries and education. This conference was held at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia in late November/early December 2012. The keynote speaker on Mechanics' Institutes was Dr Martyn Walker of the University of Huddersfield, England.
No proceedings will be published for MW2012.
Reinvention: Thriving in the 21st Century - Mechanics' Worldwide 2016
The Fourth Mechanics' Institutes Worldwide Conference was hosted by the Mechanics' Institute of San Francisco, USA in November 2016.
More information here.
Proceedings of MW2009 are available for purchase! Contact Lowden Publishing Co.
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